So, it's been a while since my last post. Once the holidays started to get here it was just one person getting sick after another. Janice and I just seemed to pass it back and forth, but finally we are at about 90%!
Since then, I've joined 24hr fitness in hopes of strengthening my back and just plain 'ole -getting in shape. They have full length pools that I can practice in and submit videos to the Paralympics from. Plus, we are running tough drills at practice that take a large toll on my back and I'm hoping I can strengthen my back enough to deal with it better. Until then I can only practice once a week as it takes about 2 days to recover.
This weekend we have a tournament in San Diego and we've all come a long way as a team. I can't wait to have some play time and hopefully prove that I've also become a better player.
Keep you posted!