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Can we skip 2020?

2019 saw a little improvement, but not much. I was able to take on some IT gigs and tried out Handy-man work, which my body didn't necessarily like, no matter how much I love fixing things. It was a rough year mentally for sure. Feeling like a dead-beat husband is no joke and it took its toll. But hey, 2020 came around, and only good things could come, right!? Let's move least to August of 2020. An old college teacher of mine had been in touch over the years, discussing new opportunities that he had followed, which then lead he and I to August of 2020. Some backstory, shall we? In 2016 he started his own private school, teaching kids and teens how to design video games. Eventually it became popular enough to attract adult students who were looking for something better than the "bleed-you-dry" school system that we currently have, and who just wanted to learn to do what they love doing, making games. One such student happened to be on the Autism Spectrum, and soon there-after the school's focus was turned to adults with Autism, as they have tremendous potential, but more importantly have been let down by a system that pretty much leaves them high and dry the second they turn 18. Turning the focus to this audience and working with local Regional Centers was a huge success and I was contacted in hopes of hiring me as a Teacher and eventual Director of my own location. And here I am now, Director of my own location, working from home with not only amazing people as my co-workers, but amazing people as my students. I couldn't be happier, seriously. And it doesn't stop there. After many trials with many different medications, I seem to have stumbled across the ones that work, for the most part. I have plenty of bad days, and sleepless nights, but nothing like it used to be, so I can't complain. I certainly still hope for new cybernetic legs one day, but for now I am happy. Pulling my weight at home financially has been a huge load of stress taken off my wife, and myself, and I think the whole experience has brought us closer together. Can't wait to see what the future holds. Thanks for sticking with me! -Jamie


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